The average house price on ROWAN AVENUE is £121,605
The most expensive house in the street is ROWAN AVENUE with an estimated value of £155,086
The cheapest house in the street is 6 ROWAN AVENUE with an estimated value of £58,025
The house which was most recently sold was 9 ROWAN AVENUE, this sold on 18 Dec 2015 for £99,000
The postcode for ROWAN AVENUE is HD4 7WQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
ROWAN AVENUE Terraced £155,086 £88,000 17 Oct 2008
3 ROWAN AVENUE Terraced £133,394 £82,500 12 Dec 2013
5 ROWAN AVENUE Semi-Detached £123,489 £45,500 25 Sep 2002
6 ROWAN AVENUE Terraced £58,025 £26,880 26 Jan 2004
9 ROWAN AVENUE Semi-Detached £138,032 £99,000 18 Dec 2015